
I pre-ordered it eagerly after watching those YouTube videos, only to regret my purchase not two missions into it. Looking back, I do not see those YouTube videos so much as echo chambers but as selectively edited turd polish, taking clips of desperate developers trying to put their most optimistic face on something

The issue that I see is not necessarily the fantasy itself, but more in how quickly he went to it. Plenty of people enjoy erotic power exchange because it requires and reinforces trust between partners, but trust is something you have to build. If he started by asking you if you would be into some light power

This exchange near the end:

I know costume studio Crabcat Industries was named after a comment one of the members made while another tried to romance Garrus, “He’s like a crab-cat thing.”

I remember one of the Krogan on The Citadel in Mass Effect 2 (one of the two arguing whether the decorative ponds in the Prasadium had fish in them) saying he never understood why everyone wants to have sex with Asari. “They’re just so squishy, how would you get a good grip?”

I cannot say I have ever witnessed any sexual activity in men’s locker rooms, but otherwise this is consistent with my own experience. The unspoken social rules for the men’s locker room seem the same for the men’s restroom: we spend our time there trying to minimize our own existence. A man who makes a lot of

Nah, they are fine with foreignness as long as it is appealing “exotic”, something that they take as in conquest rather than something they do not control.

America should have been ready for that, I certainly thought it was, but apparently the “heartland” of the country disagreed. The election was enough to want to make me find every man who said “Trump that b***h” without irony and club him on the head with a wrench.

I kind of like the way this shook out. I understand that a lot of Democratic party bigwigs were worried that Ellison’s progressive passion would scare off big donations if he was in charge, which would leave the Republicans an advantage. But Ellison had an excellent grassroots strategy as well. If Perez can keep

Hell, given Ellison was endorse by Sanders, the Trumpers would be delighted to have an actual “Muslim Socialist” to focus their ire on. It is like a double-word score in Conservative Echo Chamber Scrabble.

I am reminded of an exchange between Sally and Don in Third Rock from the Sun after they had slept together the first time after dating for months.

The funny thing is, as much as pop culture would like to think otherwise, men do not actually talk much with each other about sex. Maybe some hints or vague boasts, but details run into TMI territory pretty quick among men. I think that for many, it therefor comes as a surprise that many other men are less giving in

Trump has made a variety of critical tweets about companies he dislikes, and their stocks have taken immediate hits when he does so. I have to wonder, if the company is in the business of satirizing Trump, would that actually make their stock go up? After all, it proves they are doing a really good job if it gets

I sometimes start typing such a rant, then delete it before I end up posting some frothing-at-the-mouth manifesto that could eventually be used to establish motive in a court of law.

How can you spend 30+ years looking up with your mouth wide open, filling and overflowing with naught but piss, and still believe that the money is coming any day now?

So he is lining up at Trump’s knees to get trickled down on, and he thinks liberals are cuckolds in this scenario?

I have noted that a lot of people seem to misunderstand what Planned Parenthood actually does. But given everything else I have seen about the people who habitually misunderstand Planned Parenthood, I can only conclude that their ignorance is determinedly willful.

The whole proof-text, clobber-verse, plaintext literal reading school of Bible analysis was developed as a means of rationalizing horrific racially exploitive institutions. First it was slavery. Sure, if you read the Bible in whole it is easy to conclude slavery is bad. But if you just take bits and pieces of it,

It is an aggrieved entitlement mentality. They think they are deserving of... I dunno’, social dominance? And when they do not get that, they cannot blame their own shitty behavior (because that would mean they are not actually entitled) so they have to blame some other group that they imagine is holding them back.