I said before that Christie was in an abusive relationship with Trump.
I said before that Christie was in an abusive relationship with Trump.
Healing might be out as an option, but I could certainly see her portals giving buffs to teammates as they pass through it. Maybe a kind of “hard light” shield that acts as temporary hitpoints so they can push quickly forward or have a little room to breath when coming into a hot zone?
I think that is, to an extent, a reflection of the same phenomena. A poor individual has limited options available to them: lack of capital tends to do that. For many, a church is one of the better sources of community, purpose, and shared responsibility they can find. Or at least the one that works best for them, and…
I have always held it as an axiom that the feelings you get out of sex depend heavily on the feelings you go into it with. If you are just doing it because you feel like it is some expectation you should fulfill, without much genuine interest in the encounter or your partners, then you are probably not going to have a…
She had a strong sense of exceptionalism. She was “not like those other women,” and indeed looked down on virtually all other women. She considered herself an “honorary man”, so to speak. She would rationalize the hypocracy by claiming that she only had that fantastic career because her husband “allowed” her to do so,…
Susan Faludi’s book Backlash talks about Phyllis a lot, along with several other anti-feminist activist women in the eighties. One of the things that links a lot of these women together is that they are granted privelage by the patriarchy, sometimes considerable privelage, provided they throw feminism under the bus.…
I was convinced she was some sort of vampire who gained her longevity by feeding off the blood of under-privelage women.
Also a truly titanic sense of privelage blindness. All the messages she had about a “woman’s place” and her own family and professional experience were only possible due to the comforts of how affluent she and her husband were. Yet she would hold that up as the ideal for women who had many fewer resources and options…
That probably would have been Xenosaga Episode 1 for the PS2. It was a game I really wanted to like, and I gave it a generous chance, but really could not enjoy it after sinking dozens of hours into it. I played through Xenogears on the PS1 multiple times and loved it, hoping that Xenosaga would capitalize on its…
Ross Schafer, Bill Nye, Pat Cashman, Joel McHale, David Scully... Almost Live! launched quite a few careers. Grew up watching that show and loved it.
Wasn’t Conway the one who advised Republicans running for election that rape was a four letter word?
So first Trump promises to erect a wall, the biggest, greatest, yuuuugest wall we’eve ever seen, then he softens on the whole topic, now he is vacillating back to claims of getting his wall back up.
“Don’t you too want to live in the glory of Serving Our Lord with your vagina?”
I remember reading an anecdote in an article on white fragility when it comes to discussing racial issues that at least one Tea Party supporter was a women who never gave any thought to race, certainly never thought of herself as a racist, but after Obama got elected to the White House, she could not think of the…
“Ouroboros of fuckery,” is my new favorite phrase.
Aw, but my assistant asked me to grab her ass for her while she was on vacation? How could I say no to that cute face?
As an American, “marvel” would not be my first choice of words to describe our political system.
I cannot recall actually saying “hey” but as a hetero guy I can say that the sentiment expressed in the last few feedbacks given there is absolutely true. The post-coital intimacy is one of the most appealing parts of sex, and engaging in mutual sweet self-disclosure while both riding the oxytocin high feels amazing.
What often ends up happening is that the studio is committed to a release date, but development runs into problems. Unfortunately, “we need more time,” is not something marketing wants to hear, especially when they have already committed vast resources to making a hype push to coincide with the intended launch date.…
I might recommend a Utilikilt instead of cargo shorts for those activities. All the practicality of cargo shorts, combined with the sexiness of a kilt!