
The advice I (as a white guy) got from friends of color was to put pressure on local politicians and through voting iniatives (if relevant to your area) to ensure certain kinds of police accountability. Things like mandated body cams, legal mechanisms to address grievances toward police overreach, having mayors

While there is something poetic about that, I get the feeling that PP’s money goes less to counter-offensive marketing campaigns and more to actual services.

Chris, look, I know you think you have been an asshole in the past, and a lot of people have told you you have been an asshole, and yeah, you were. But seriously, that does not mean you deserve to stay in an abusive relationship like this. You know Trump is not good for you, you know he feels like the last one who

I guess when you suck up to an asshole with no self-restraint, you can expect to get shit on.

Aw damn, I saw the headline and thought this would be more interesting that it is. I assumed it would be some sort of pro-abortion nude protest, women naked and holding signs like “My body, my choice.”

“Schilling”, what an appropriate name for someone who peddles untruth to try and sell people on bad ideas.

It is the “will” thing that this all hinges on. Sterilizing someone or aborting their fetus against their will is horrific, as is impregnanting and forcing someone to carry to term against their will.

Now if only the anti-choice nuts could be declared legally unfit to propose legislation...

It is an old trope, “The king is forbidden from ordering punishment of the court jester, because the court jester is the only one who is allowed to speak the truth about the king.”

Maybe we can take advantage of Alabama’s lax carry laws by having clinic escorts pack heat while giving the anti-abortion protestors death glares every time they raise their voices toward patients.

Because some people prefer the sense of security they get from believing that everything, no matter how horrible, happens in service of some intangible grand plan, rather than the existential dread of living in a capricious and uncaring universe where good and bad things can happen beyond any agency.

Because, as lots of grey replies here suggest, he gives voice and the thin vernier of authority to a bunch of socially isolated white dudes who are uncomfortable with, among other things, the though of not having as much influence over the social discourse as they feel entitled to.

“Resting derp-face” is my new favorite description.

A blogger I like once wrote the the religion of patriarchs (and wannabe patriarchs) is patriarchy itself. They will latch onto whatever clobber verses they can find to rationalize their misogyny, but if you find any counter arguments from their own doctrine of faith they will find a way to dismiss or downplay it in

We happened to be sharing a tent at a campout where there was a certain understanding of discretion among all involved. This was... well, a bit embarrassing for him to ask to go to the ER during...

Not just scare-stories aimed at women: I knew a guy who once got a laceration on the tip of his penis when the copper wire around the IUD of his partner came slightly unraveled and gave him a poke in return.

It is good at reducing abortions and saving more of the tax payers’ money, so you can justify it to both values voters and government minimalists on those points.

I chalk it up to fear. These people are the ultimate scaredy cats, looking around every corner for the boogeyman or somebody trying to take all their shit.