
Or do they just not think trans men are real?

I look forward to the day misogynists are repeatedly labeled “gender terrorists” on the news.

Back in the 80s, a lot of the religious conservatives got a lot of the business conservatives on their side by convincing them that stay-at-home moms were easier to sell things to than working women, and that pregnancies (intended or otherwise) would pressure them to buy things they otherwise would not, stimulating

The religious right is very, very good at running a grassroots ground-game and getting people elected and bills passed, but very bad at actual governing, given how many of those things get shot down in court. However, they have this damnable habit of turning each legal defeat into a “moral victory” that inspires them

I have a roommate who is an independent, because while he has been a life-long Republician, he simply cannot stand where the party has gone in the last couple of decades. One of those people who was always moderate, but the party left him when it shifted rightward, and being an athiest, there was no room for him in

I get the feeling that there are a lot of political interests in Texas who would rather not have an awesome governor. :(

I recall some people commenting that a bill like this is more about the rural parts of the state clamping down on the demographically-shifting urban parts of the state by way of the state government overriding those municipalities local governments.

Trans-erasure is strong with these types. They regard gender and sex as intrinsically linked and absolutely immutable, and on that basis they refuse to believe that transitioning is even possible.

I think PayPal is missing an excellent chance to throw the law’s own language back at them. “It is our sincerely held belief that bigotry is bad news that drives us to refuse service to North Carolina.”

Fox News is used to whipping up the craziest part of the Republican base against the establishment, but when Fox News is the establishment, Donald Trump whips up the craziest part of the Republican base against them!

Trump appeals to the “beat other nations into submission by smacking them with our giant erections” hawks.

As one plant who attended one of his rallies observed, “No one holds Trump supporters in more contempt than Donald Trump.”


I suspect that many of them are well aware that TRAP laws will not stop abortions, and outlawing it outright will not stop them. But it will “drive them into back alleys where they belong!” as one pro-life proponent put it.

I encourage any women who gets an abortion under this current law to ask to keep the remains and “inter” them by smearing them across the front doors of the state legislature building.

I have know enough pro-lifers to understand that their feelings about “fetal pain” and “sanctity of life” are genuine, but damnit I just wish more of them would be practical enough to understand that reliable birth control and comprehensive sex education drastically reduce the amount of them happening.

As a man, I elected to take shameless advantage of my privelage in this regard to get myself sterilized while still a virgin. I can think of no longer term contraception than that, and since not every partner I might hypothetically have will have access to such reliable methods, I thought it best to assume my share of

You know, I think every abortion ought to be a do-it-yourself deal. I look forward to a future where a woman can simply take an over-the-counter pill and have it done, where she and only she has any control over the process. A future where there are no bottleneck of facilities to visit that can be shutdown by

This may sound like an odd brag, but I am greatful that my name appears a credits roll with Gina Tores. We both might have been bit parts, her some voice talent and me some QA talent, and we never met, but at least I can say we got to work on the same project.

With anti-choice activists, they seem to have a Catch-22 kind of litmus test going on, along the lines of “Only morally capable women should be allowed abortions. All morally capable women want to have babies. Therefor any woman seeking abortion is not morally capable of having and abortion.”