"Moreover, a 26 December 1988 Washington Post article said of the legend: "Although Nordstrom officials insist that the tire story is apocryphal, it does make a point about the Seattle-based chain's generous return policies."
"Moreover, a 26 December 1988 Washington Post article said of the legend: "Although Nordstrom officials insist that the tire story is apocryphal, it does make a point about the Seattle-based chain's generous return policies."
I went to business school and we were told the story, in multiple classes, about how Nordstrom's accepted a returned auto tire, even though they don't have an auto department.
Shut yo mouf, you dog-kissing, mayonnaise-eating, Ed Hardy-wearing, microbrew-swilling, "let's-go-camping" muthafucka'.
As a fellow lactard, I wonder if you've ever bought Lactaid pills. They're great.
"Well, 50% of doctors were in the bottom half of their class so..."
"Have a fucking lifestyle. Make some choices."
I commend your commitment to excellence, but isn't the tendency to not half-ass anything called perfectionism, and isn't it generally considered ineffective and unhealthy?
No one believes you're a woman.
Will! Come back!
I had a pretty good idea at 7 that the Tooth Fairy was a load of shit, so I tied a length of dental floss from my finger to the tooth under my pillow to see what I could catch.
Thanks for this. Law is interesting (in small bits).
It's interesting that despite acknowledging I'm a layman and asking for help, three of the four lawyers who have responded have done so with a smug and condescending tone.
Mr. Garcia being a very high powered lawyer himself (in addition to his numerous friends and coworkers at his firm) and actually knowing the content of his confidentiality agreement, would probably be in the best position to evaluate this, no?
I was afraid you were going to say that. Now I'm going to have to go steal the damn thing, myself.
Question for Deadspin LLC . . .
It was second story window, so either it was an accident, or he's very good at suicide.
It's possible that like most of us, your memory is not as great as you think it is. Prices are down. This is a fact.
These are all great options for travelers who don't mind paying a little more to get a little more.
False equivalency.
Has it occurred to you that now you're co-opting this tragedy as a chance to advertise to the community how progressive and enlightened you are?