This is how I see them fighting:
This is how I see them fighting:
I love how he's reacting.
she really needs to own this tattoo. Like get another tattoo of an incredibly detailed frame around this tattoo.
If you're not familiar with NBA refs then why are you questioning anything? You basically just admitted you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, and yet you'll comment anyway.
She went into the store, knowing she had Ebola, and smeared her bodily fluids literally ALL OVER THE STORE, and consequently, several people who went shopping after her got Ebola and DIED. THEY ALL DIED. I'm typing this from Connecticut and I almost died too, because of this nurse. EBOLA, godammit!
CDC permission or not, getting on an airplane after you've spent considerable time around someone with Ebola is arguably not cool, but hey — it's a wedding planning weekend, and we know that fuckery comes before all else, including caution or common sense.
Jezebel, stop trying to make fetch "thirsty" happen. You don't sound cool, you sound...what's a good way to say it? Desperate for attention and validation.
I don't think it's that ridiculous. I've heard all my life about people ignoring the elephant in the room.
Man, this was a really lean year.
I feel like the Deadspin Hall of Fame should be representative of more subversive aspects of sports. Anything or anyone that is major headlines in typical news outlets just don't cut it for me.
General malevolence, without more, does not a Hall of Famer make. Besides, I feel like the biggest Goodell skeletons are yet to be uncovered and we really should wait for those to surface first.
I mean, if Manny Pacquiao and Chris Berman died on the same day, who would receive more obituaries?
Oh man, I used to love listening to Mitch Hedberg.
How In The Ever-Lovin' Hell Can The Knicks Be So Much Bullshit?
Quick trade evaluation: Cavs add talent & testosterone. Will b interesting. NYK clears money & attitude.
Those are all very sound arguments. Unfortunately Howard's hate-on for Whitlock supersedes any rational balancing of facts vs. opinion. We get it Greg; he allegedly criticized you while you were lying in a hospital bed. Maybe you should take it up with him directly instead of subjecting us to this constant…
Well, the Knicks trail 14-21 at Memphis after one quarter, so already some signs of improvement.
What happens? Greg fucking Howard spews some of his senseless word diarrhea in your direction? I'm sure Whitlock will be fine. He knows Howard is still bitter about not being good enough for Whitlock's Black Grantland project.