
And you aren’t biased at all.

I’m not always this unpleasant... I’m just cranky. I’ve spent the day getting blamed for the death of 49 innocent people... plus getting called all sorts of names simply because I like target shooting.

One person’s opinion doesn’t an organized movement make, unless that one person is Senator Diane Feinstein, who’s proposed laws are being debated in DC as we speak. If a US senator who is at the vanguard of a large push to pass legislation doesn’t qualify as “organized” then I really don’t know what does.

The “study” you pointed out doesn’t contain any original research. Frankly this looks like a freshman’s term paper more than anything of value. But if you want the CDC to write up a study citing the FBI statistics we already have and other reports that have been around for decades, then by all means.

Far be it for me to disparage this very important dog bite study and its stunningly insightful conclusions:

Absolutely. Who would buy the drones to bomb innocent children from the air and fund Haliburton if not the taxpayer.

I’m fine with getting science involved. However the CDC is about disease control.

Now playing

Absolutely... But when Sen Diane Feinstein and others started advocating for gun confiscation, people realized the stakes were higher:

Now playing

I would be more than willing to listen and and discuss such reform personally. I think there IS lots that can be done. Unfortunately the national “conversation” on guns never comes to a concensus because for there to be a concensus there needs to be a give and take. Both sides need go make concessions. Unfortunately

No other study requires a bi-partisan panel.

There is a difference between a criminal investigation and a “Health Study.”

Agreed in principle.

I don’t scoff at that concept at all. I applaud it. But if we ban the gun lobby, we need to ban the anti-gun lobby as well.

Sure. Lets start banning political contributions with Bloomberg.

I’m ok with everything you said, except your whitewashing of “Asking young people to complete some sort of work”

I think there is a difference between an invasion of the homeland and endless wars to secure crude oil futures. But by all means Reductio ad absurdum away.... :)

In that case I’m preaching’ to the choir.

The word you are looking for is Statism, or Authoritarianism.... a system under which the state has dominion over the free will of individuals to determine their own destiny.