
While the rest of us just use company time to read it and make snarky comments...

So how's the job search going?

The answer to minor league players not being paid much is simple. They should quit being minor league players and get other employment.

You see, the vast majority of the problems in the USA can be resolved with a simple mentality change. Everyone thinks they are special, and just because they WANT to do something, it

I don’t get it? Why are we using the poverty line to gauge a seasonal jobs income? Minor league baseball ball only lasts from may through September. Many of these players play in other leagues during the offseason. 1100$ to 2200$ a month is pretty damn good to play a stupid game.

Truthfully, I don't think there is a way out now. If you ban guns, then you'll probably just empower criminals and terrorists who'll get them through other means. Be too armed to the teeth and terrorists will just use other methods. It's bad no matter how you slice it.

So based on that fact, getting rid of guns won’t stop them either if they’ll just gladly switch to blowing themselves up instead. I’m not sure exactly what your point is then. If you get rid of guns, they’ll probably switch to bombs. If everybody has guns, they’ll probably switch to bombs. Sounds to me the best course

Two minor nit-picks:

Get out of mutual funds and get into index funds. Those funds still might invest in morally problematic things, but they don’t actively manage what they invest in so much as invest in everything. Also, they typically perform better and cost less in fees.

H&K is private and German.

Umm. The police that are supposed to protect you waited 3 hours before “protecting” the ~100 disarmed/defenseless people that were murdered/injured.

Well, we already have that. I was not eligible to graduate from high school until I completed a certain minimum number of hours of “community service”. Literally all the kids I went to high school with had to sign on to do free labor for up to 3 work days for “our community”. Even those of us that were living in

Maybe we should ask the CDC to start tracking the number of citizens killed by cops. The FBI doesn't collect those statistics.

Yet... all the focus is on banning one form of “assault” rifle, which as the FBI points out figures into the tiniest fraction of all violence.

There are different forms of slavery. All of them are terrible, but not equally so. Forcing someone to work for you (on penalty of imprisonment) is slavery, even if it’s compensated. Nobody’s saying that it would be as bad as the form of slavery that used to be practiced in this country.

I’m on the side that forced enlistment is a form of slavery.

Now we’re getting at the face behind the mask. And it’s always a fat white guy in black face.

You just described the IRS bro

This. Exactly this. The draft is slavery and immorral.

Many stars for you! After living in Singapore for a year, I value the freedoms in America even more. The freedom not to vote if you so choose (or are lazy) is something that Singaporeans don’t enjoy. Singapore has a mandatory national service program for young men, which makes me think about a Heinlein-esque society

Boy, you really told me!