
I had a Nexus 6 and it would display a card telling me about Traffic, but I don’t remember it proactively altering my alarms.

This is Gawker. He will complain about his job and how unfair it is endlessly, yet expect a new opportunity to fall in his lap with zero effort.

Sorry but if you are a man-boy fourth-rate “athlete” living in your parents’ basement and playing a game “for a living” ... my sympathy for you is quite limited.

These people are professionals only in the sense that they get “paid.” In reality this is glorified hobby.

These people are professionals only in the sense that they get “paid.” In reality this is glorified hobby.

Do you think those 55million gun owners, including democrats appreciate being blamed whenever there is a shooting?

Nice victim blaming there sweetheart.

Where’s a good guy with a gun when you need one?

Its more about phenomenally incompetent law enforcement who repeatedly dropped the ball on this guy and gave the “proceed” order to the gun seller.

Gross oversimplification. There are still over 5 million individual members. Millions and millions of gun sales every year. Yes someone is selling them, but people are also buying them. Those buyers also want to be represented.

Sorry, the supremes ruled that the Police have no duty to protect us. therefore, we are on our own.

Now playing

Gun buying shouldn’t be an emergency situation? Tell that to victims of rape, domestic violence, stalking etc.

The institutional homophobia that is baked into all fundamentalist religions certainly had NOTHING to do with it. I guess it isn’t PC to lay the blame for this at the feet of people like Kim Davis. Why not blame inanimate objects instead.

Agreed 200%.

What could possibly go wrong:

Impossible. Anyone who would want to defend themselves when just going for a stroll is a right wing nut.

For those left limp after feeling the burn, I’d urge you to redirect your burning sensations and feel the Johnson

Nice False dichotomy btw... I can’t wait to hear what your “common sense” proposals are.

rhetoric much?