
Sorry, I Gawker threading is killing me: This is to the original poster. I’ve lost track of which side of the issue you are on.

I think the last 30 years of uninterrupted wars is adequate proof that we can staff a volunteer army without needing to force people into conscription.

Most soldiers are admin types who will never see fire therefore it is ok for force people into this “service”? Tell that to these guys:

Those who didn’t want to go yes... and ironically most of the landed rich didn’t have to go. Only the poor and minorities.

You are too fixated on the “compensation” and not enough on the force and lack of free will.

Dude. Thats obviously what I meant.

Slavery is the word you are looking for. Forcing someone to work literally at gunpoint or face loss of liberty.

Any time sweetie.

You seem fairly focused on what you “deserve.”

I’m not saying Teachers don’t work hard, but to compare them to highly paid doctors like Surgeons for example is an absolute joke.

You won’t get your unions so long as everyone looks to mommy government to solve their problems.

Not a republican... just someone who feels that people have the intelligence and the right to freely associate with whomever they choose.

One of these also works dramatically less hours, with less risk and less education/certification requirements.

Whoever could have forseen that the Newspaper industry would take a downturn. I mean come on... print is forever.

I’d start bolstering my skillset to find other things to do. What the hell do you think all the laid off Autoworkers had to do?

You complain about your overtime, whist posting on Jezebel in the middle of the working day. :) Classic.

Agreed... but if they paid her an extra 10k per year, they probably should have just found a more talented individual in the first place worthy of a salary 10k higher.

Good for you. Do you think you are the only one who operates this way? Are you here to pose for holy pictures, or to try to force your competition to do something?

Because there are no greedy democrats.