
Then don’t accept the job? If you choose to live in a high cost area and choose to accept a shitty job, and lack the skills for anything better... who do you have to blame? Everyone but yourself apparently.

Sounds so easy... why don’t you start your own business and treat your employees the way you think it is you armchair entrepreneur.

Nobody told you to enter the fashion industry sweetheart. There are plenty of good paying jobs with much lower cost of living in Texas.

Works just fine for Switzerland. I say proceed.

You roll your eyes about overtime needing to be approved? Yet you are on Gawker posting bullshit during working hours (look at your timestamp).

The converse is, if I as employee am not happy with my employment, I’m free to go to one of the places that does compensate me adequately.

Not sure I get what muskets in the revolutionary war have to do with a nutbag terrorist attack.