
I spy Florida plates!!

Design inspiration: Jimmy Durante

I’m curious if the Guardians soundtrack would have been as charming. Anyway I love the rainbow frame he chose. So weirdly appropriate.

with a booger...

This is what it will look like when it goes on sale.


Just put it on 17s and make it for production. Man if Hyundai and Kia made all their concepts we’d have a ton of cheap oddball cars on the market.

"Well, ma'am, although you have insurance for non-insured motorists and underinsured drivers, that doesn't apply to pilots and aircraft. I'm very sorry, is there anything else I can't help you with today?

Mythbusters proved it with a plane. I'd say the car got off light.

That's going to be a very interesting insurance claim.

I dunno, man, those seats actually look more comfortable. I get the impression that these new budget pillow seats err on the side of firm.

The Axle Seals obviously.

Still not as powerful or attractive as the 2013 MY, but at least the updated navi software is updated, so that’s a step forward I guess. It’s not bad, but where’s the diesel and/or EV plug-in hybrid model? I thought the Eclipse, Lancer/Evo, and Galant were all sacrificed in the name of low emission tech R&D for last 5

I think they just out-lexus'd lexus's design language.

A coal mine under Centralia, PA has been burning since 1962. Some estimate it could continue to burn for another 250 years.


This is why I don’t listen to anyone’s design critique online...

You say 2 door Buick like it’s a bad thing

I guess you don’t play many 60fps games.

> Video starts with a suggestion to watch it on the latest-generation equipment and browser.