
They did say they are going to do all the smash characters no matter what, including the dlc characters apparently.

Ikr. Personally, I’d prefer to have Falco already!!

Meanwhile Best Buy sold me one on ebay for $16 last week. Not kidding. Jacked up the price just like the filthy scalpers...not by much, but still.

Aren’t we forgetting somebody?

Because he couldn’t let Nintendo do that, obviously.

go to the smash bros fighter ballot(on the official smash bros page) AND VOTE FOR HIM!! THEY’RE TAKING SUGGESTIONS ON NEW CHARACTERS

No pricing info?

I hope Nintendo starts releasing all new characters as DLC if Lucas and Mewtwo bring in enough money... don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to get these two back, but what I’d like even more is to just have a steadily growing roster. I just hope they institute some kind of cross-buy if you own both versions of the game...

Watch Nintendo drown in lawsuits after millions of customers cut themselves on Mr. Game and Watch Amiibos.

I feel you ROB pains. I was really hoping he was going to be in the next batch...

Seriously. With a new Star Fox supposedly coming, why the hell isn’t Star Wolf coming back??

^This looks like a VW Passat crossed with a Jack O’ Lantern

I’m not sure why BMW is a standard for interiors. They’re below average at the price point. The fact that you are actually comparing the 2 says much more positive about Kia than negative. Compare the interiors when the kia has at least $17k in the passenger seat.

Not a big fan of these taillights, but they’re better than the weirdly mismatched shape of the old one. Look at the bottom. Why not just have them line up? It’s even more awkward in person.

God, that’s disappointing. This current gen Optima looked. so. good. when it debuted a few years ago. Now the whole thing is negated. What a waste.

The seats look pimp.

It is ugly, has scratchy plastic, and is a Kia. Everything seems to be in working order.

Hopefully we are starting to come full circle. Maybe they will eventually drop the pretense.

I like buckets, but the console shifter could stand to go. I don’t think a column shifter is the right answer either. What about push buttons? And not like the MKZ: