
Here’s a relevant clip that also disproves your latter-most point! (Let’s hope no sane court entertains this guy’s claims.)

Even though column-mounted gear selectors are a much more efficient use of space in a car with an automatic transmission than their floor-mounted brethren.

Kudos to that officer - a pat on the back is in order, and it’s a good thing to hear that everyone made it out alright.

This is a nice looking car, but I hope that it doesn’t carry over to the US. Our Taurus looks pretty good IMO.

Gotta love the ‘87-’90 Caprice police cars throughout.

I feel as if a stronger background beat would have made it all that much better, but the video was great, and the movie seems even more intriguing.

Die Hard rocks and still holds up incredibly well.

There’s your bilingual bonus of the day!

The fact that this cab is a 1998-2002 Mercury Grand Marquis is incorrect; they were never authorized for yellow cab duty in the city IIRC. The Crown Victoria was, however.

Thanks for the background info; I never would have guessed where this clip was actually from!

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This had me laughing so hard that I was in tears by the end of it. It truly provides a...different insight into the delays that the PC version went through.


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The Ford Fairmont can be a very competent sleeper, however!

This is some fantastic artwork if I do say so myself.

It’s probably meant to represent some sort of lawn fertilizer.

Those are quite impressive!