Bloated and ungainly, with the backend of a Crosstour. The Civic hit a design peak in 2006 and has been steadily going downhill from there. Your cars work very well and last a long time; please hire some new better designers Honda.
Bloated and ungainly, with the backend of a Crosstour. The Civic hit a design peak in 2006 and has been steadily going downhill from there. Your cars work very well and last a long time; please hire some new better designers Honda.
I think the current one looks good as well. It’s more unique than this Chinese one.
For fuck’s sake, Ford, if you’re going to build cars like this could you please put them on a proper RWD platform? You’re breaking my heart.
The biggest culprit for that is the ginormous center console. We’re never going to see a return to bench seats, but here’s hoping they at least trimmed that down to a reasonable width on the new car.
This. The only thing wrong with the current Taurus is that a car that’s the size of a Crown Vic has the hiproom of a Focus. If they’re really on a roll, they’ll bring back the front bench seat...
In case you were wondering, this is an SVT Lightning,
1969 Land Rover 109 Series III pickup. Buy it now for 5950. It’s a truck, it’s utilitarian, it’s got lots of character and it’s actually classy.
This is really the time and place for your post. Also, and I can't stress this enough, for some reason I feel like you are an idiot with little originality.
I hope that enormous-looking body means more actual interior space. The current Taurus is huge, but feels incredibly cozy inside.
This is a Lincoln Blackwood and it’s a Lincoln Navigator missing part of the trunk area. And it is the beginning of what the pickup truck has become. This is the predecessor to the eco-boosted 6-cylindered leather lined Platinum trim F-150’s that Ford unloads on every white-collared schmuck looking to…