
the video isnt out yet. what hes saying is basically “if you subscribe, you will be notified when the video comes out”. as far as i know, youtube cant restrict videos to subscribers only, but i could be wrong

Are you saying this movie wasn’t made by committee though? The two directors admit that they were forced to change their plans for the story after The Winter Soldier surprised everyone with its massive success. The director of Black Panther was supposedly on set to over see that character. Sony interfered with the

I understand that Cap is suspicious given what happened to SHEILD. As far as character motivation, it is a good one. Doesn’t mean he is right, though.

One thing they don’t make clear enough is that Iron Man’s & Cap’s positions are reactions to events of previous movies. Iron Man’s need for greater controls surely stems from his Ultron experiment going tits-up, & the last time Cap worked under a government agency it turned out to be run by Hydra.

It’s not a rewatch if you’re not watching the same movie though. Five minutes research would have told you that this is a totally different movie to the theatrical version; the directors cut is famous for being nowhere near as good as the cinema version and blog posts like these were doing the rounds back in 04 when

If you’re complaining that you’ve been spoiled that Storm joins the X-Men, I’m revoking your geek card.

Wait is Legend of Korra getting a new movie? I’m confused by this headline.

This is why it’s so important for researchers to report the exact conditions their animals live in, and why it’s so frustrating for animals techs who try to maintain those conditions at a stable level realize that most of them don’t seem to understand or care. Lab animal science is hard, and crucial for medical

So now that we can’t really deny it’s happening anymore, we’re down to claiming that we’ll totally be able to hold off the water? Look at your infrastructure and tell me if you trust the guys who maintain your roads to keep a ~270° dam around Florida waterproof for any length of time.


I don’t think they needed the “30 years ago” bit at the start if it’s a reboot; I think that makes it slightly confusing, as the implication there, imo, is that it’s a sequel to 30-year-old events.

intellectual authority

Are you the type of guy that clicks on an ad and expects to still be on that same site? You’d almost think io9 is about gaming instead of sci-fi/fantasy etc. Makes sense considering who you’re defending though...


Haven’t seen the movie yet, so I didn’t read, but it’s good to see a full-length review around here again.

But Deathstroke is SLADE Wilson. Deadpool is WADE Wilson. Clearly different.

“Unapologetically, absent me there is no Deadpool. Period,” said Rob Liefeld. “I am the name, the costume, the look, the origin and the attitude. Great one-liners are the result of other writers. But there’s no Deadpool at all in existence without me.”

You sound like a totally not insane person. Keep up the good fight commenting on line. You will save the children I know it.

Wait: who thought that she gave into anger in the fight with Rylo Ken? It looked to me like she calmly tapped into herself to focus, and then, you know, fought. While the point about her learning “too” fast, and therefore possibly getting impatient is a good one, and could have legs, I never, ever got the impression