
Holy crap... that spoiler means I may actually watch episode 2. The pilot was so goddamn terrible I expected to stop there, but knowing that moron dies gives me hope!

Wait, the fact they were lepers and discriminated against elsewhere was an urban legend? I thought that was a super obvious part of the story.

I am in full agreement I Don’t want or need a new film.

It ‘exploded’ because the Austro-Hungary Empire wanted to control the Balkans so used the death of the archduke as a reason to give them an ultimatum that couldn’t possibly be agreed to. This drew in the Russians who were allied to the Balkans, so the Germans joined with AH, which drew in France as it was obliged to

Books from GRRM are never late, and are never early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.

gee thanks, there goes my free time for the next month. I should have worked for Robert Ballard.

Everything about this is stupid. I’m a vegetarian. I was a vegan for 7 years.

The cholesterol limit was not “mysteriously dropped.” 30 years of scientific research have proven that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on your bodies total cholesterol. Eating eggs does not lead to an increase in heart disease or

This seems like something that could be right in Mr. Shyamalan’s wheelhouse. Just hope we get the goofy cavalcade of guest stars, like we did with the original run.

Next thing you’ll tell me that we don’t speak American here, or Mexico doesn’t speak Mexican!

1024x768 has been good enough for me for years.

I loved this. I loved ALL of this. I know I’m going to get slammed for kissing your ass Jia, but I don’t care. This is the piece I’ve wanted to read from a Jezebel EIC for a long time. The promotion has changed you for the better.

Luuke happening now would be dumb but it really wasn’t that bad in the books. Granted it was the weakest part of the Thrawn trilogy, but it lead to a clever resolution for Mara Jade.

Guess what’s never been retracted? That’s right, the Bible.

Fracas Maracas?

I know it's too late to stop any changes but whatever you are paying Esther, treble it. We cannot lose her.

I’m thinking that integrating alien tech will come back to bite earth in the butt. Hiller’s accident may be a bit of foreshadowing... im bored

It looks like they’re going full 80’s cartoon, from legit Rocksteady & Bebop to the Turtle Van firing Manhole Covers like a disc gun. If that tone holds for the whole movie, it’ll be big dumb fun.

I think it’s pretty clear he meant “a [Star Wars] novel.” Making it about reading novels in general wouldn’t just be insulting, it’d be nonsensical.

The third film in this trilogy will require a monthly subscription.

Man. This is going to make for one long-ass opening crawl.