
Okay, he’s convinced me. Give him a Star Wars film like a Lando caper movie.

Doesn’t Spock forget his own mutiny in The Menagerie?

I’m swallowing my pride on this one. You are correct, it is a parody. The article has been updated to clarify this, because I still think the video is awesome. Thank you for your diligence.

From the linked site:

I’m calling bullshit... I just did a fairly thorough search online, and not only are the no photos of this thing anywhere, the only source on it is that Korean site linked to in the article.
It’s not that this plant is impossible (it’s well within what other similar plants can do), but the different traits are rarely

Am I having a stroke, or does this headline not make sense?

That stinger reaffirmed my belief that Ejiofor, not Cumberbatch, should have been Strange. Dude has natural charisma.

This will be a tough sell. SG1 has never really gone away, it is on two different channels right here with one in mid season 3 and the other in mid season 6, and both will reset to season 1 and run through them again when they finish. Atlantis is on sporadically too. There has not really been that gap in

Might be good. Maybe.

I respectfully disagree. For beginners they’re better off installing Mint/Cinnamon on their computer. It’s a lot more customizable then Ubuntu.

Kinda weird that he didn’t use glue for such a big and complex project.

You kinda forgot all the uglies in the SW: EU, starting with my favourite, the Die Fighter. No misspelling, that´s the nickname of a TIE fighter without the solar wings, and with an Y-Wing nacelle attached - as fast and maneuverable as an Y-Wing, and as powerful and tough as a Tie Fighter.

I didn’t want to make a big thing out of this every day, but there were no Star Wars spoilers all week. Five days straight with nothing from the galaxy far, far away. That’s amazing and I would not have thought it was possible.

Power Rangers is still ridiculously popular as a kids show - but this is a nostalgia grab for people who liked the original, which seems kinda weird considering the popularity with the current iterations of the series. But also hey, everyone loves nostalgia right?

Yes Maddie, please stop spreading information that God fearing people don’t understand or care to believe. Climate change, evolution, science.. all witchcraft and lies!!!

Good on you for owning up. Many Gawker Media writers do cartwheels to avoid responsibility when they’re wrong, and that’s something that alienates readers like nothing else.

Just so y’all know:

Didn’t Cassidy even mention the whiskey was called “Ratwater”?

ummm you forgot the arguably best adaptation of a video game to movie and that is Mario Bros.

You’d be surprised at the amount of people who ignore that. Now there’s a shiny new banner to distract them, and make them look even more foolish if they complain in the comments!