Occam's ;)
Occam's ;)
It’s gotten pretty bad on Jez.. Not sure when the change started, but it’s getting harder to keep coming back to something that’s starting to feel as sensationalized and skewed as Fox.
Do you always wait to do research after you post the article?
I would say that Jezebel is the closest of all Gawker affiliated sites to Gawker with regards to editorial policy.
Totally. That excuse is just that, an excuse. How hard would it be on an alleged feminist blog to say, “Whoops, you know you’re right, let me fix that.” Two seconds and done. OP is full of something.
So because the DOJ and the Post are gutless turds, that gives you a pass?
They are an aspiring troll 90% of the time (FS). I’m sorry for what happened to you and all of us that I know are not feeling justice for being assaulted and invaded. I mean, in the past, not by this commenter.
I’m not an advocate of piling on, but regarding my comment in particular, it would have taken just as much time to link to her earlier explanatory comment as it would to type “See above,” and doing the former would actually be helpful. “See above” is confusing at best, meaningless at worst.
Good lord. Are you joking? Did it occur to you to question why these sources were also avoiding the term, and that maybe they were wrong in doing so?
They sure as fuck didn’t include shit like this in the “What Gawker Media Does” post.
Nowhere in this article did you, the author, use the word “rape” to describe what happened to the child. You called it “sex”. Even ignoring that children cannot consent to sex, that she attempted suicide clearly indicates she was not engaging in something she wanted to do.
Rapist is the hill you will die on
Courtesy of www.merriam-webster.com:
“Definition of rape
When did tippy-toeing around dominant culture terminology become more important than presenting a feminist analysis around here?
It’s not like gorillas are endangered because one mother lost sight of her 4 year old at a zoo. And yet.
How about just change the headline already instead of obsessively defending yourself on the internet?
Once again, a Jezebel article describes what is clearly rape as “sex”. Fucking hypocritical bullshit.
I strongly disagree. He provides no value to society and is in fact a danger to it. The lengths he went to in order to secure himself a child sex slave show that. He should be dead and everyone would be better off.