Also, “...and will instead focus on her modeling career and her other artistic pursuits.”
Also, “...and will instead focus on her modeling career and her other artistic pursuits.”
I like how you both expect me to answer your questions and shut the fuck up. I just wish I knew how I could do both.
As a person of color who has happily lived in various parts of Brooklyn and queens since childhood, please stfu. Let me guess. You’re white and not even a New Yorker but you’re here to talk about which neighborhoods suck and are being ruined by people like you moving in? Right, because you were here pre-gentrification…
If by “something horrific” you meant getting into a Sisyphean discussion with someone who has become severed from the fundamentals of rhetorical constructs, then, yes, I suppose you are right about that.
Exactly. You’ve never been a bartender, but you proscribe some sort of bartending forcefield of protection as a rape prevention tactic. Rape prevention is a tautology, in that the only prevention is men not raping. Dozens of people who either were bartenders or who had stuff put in their drinks by bartenders piped up…
What? Stop huffing paint. You know how I can tell all you want to do is fight? You are ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Anybody can go back and look at that insane comments thread. I rest my case. I further suspect that you are an armchair bartender the way you are an armchair New Yorker.
gawd, thanks for the heads up. Also I am really sorry if anyone thinks I have something against Ohio! Cleveland is a badass American city!
On behalf of my paternal family that has been in Brooklyn for over 10 generations: That is ridiculous.
This is the bro (Flying Squid) who argued with people all day yesterday that being roofied/raped was caused by bartenders refusing to keep watch over customers’ drinks while they were in the bathroom instead of, you know, men who rape, so, I wouldn’t waste to much logic energy trying to examine causality with this…
See now, Pittsburgh is one of those places that gets mocked all the time (I know this from listening to Sharon Needles!!). So she should know better than to do it to someplace else.
Well if your brother would like to come here and tell me how much Brooklyn sucks, I’m all ears. You run along now and go bicker pointlessly with someone else, confident in your deluded belief that I hate Ohio.
She’s straight outta Pittsburgh.
You’re delving into some weird fan fiction there, homie. You never answered my question: Have you ever even been to Brooklyn? Because generally adults do not say that a neighborhood “sucks” when they haven’t even been anywhere near it in their lives, which I suspect you haven’t.
It was meant more as “Do you even have a dog in this fight?” Not intended to malign Ohio. I can see how it could be read that way, and for that I apologize, but you clearly DON’T have a dog in this fight just as I suspected, so please go bicker needlessly with someone else.
You’re a mind reader now, eh? I have no reason to look down on people outside of the tristate. That’s what self-loathing transplants do.
I’m wondering what makes you say “Bushwick sucks.” Because it’s a typical thing that people who have been here for ten minutes say because they are ashamed that they’re from Ohio (or wherever) and are trying to be cool. Nothing wrong with being from Ohio. Lots wrong with NYC transplants who take some sort of…
which also included a side of mansplaining NYPD officer, because of course:
why she went off the grid and moved to Bushwick (shudder).
That’s cool that you draw attention to yourself like that.