
Exactly. The phone is down out of the way. Unlike the phone of the guy filming her which appears to be hoisted in the air waving every which way blocking everyone’s view while he screams things about strangers and flips people off. I hate the people like that guy at concerts WAY more than the lady catching Pokemon.

You’re an admirable soul for rescuing your partner from his mom’s basement.

What a catch.

This title is a mess, well done on American media for focusing on the refugee part. Also the person who stopped the attack with his bmw and saved many lives was a Muslim, not mentioned in the article.

Clarification is important. It is a vile act in any case, but the distinction (“Syrian refugee kills woman” vs “man murders partner”) makes a difference in the lives of other innocent people.

Sort of hate the title of this article.

Pot/kettle/black. Also, auto-play, really Jez? I’m embarrassed for you.

I can’t even imagine what a 7 month old could do that was wrong. Or a 7 month old having concepts of right and wrong.

She's an "unacceptable risk." In other words, she's a Senior female who will probably by housed on the gov. dime (or homeless). We can't have people like this wandering around reminding us where we all might be "one paycheck away." Scary "olds" reminding us of our fragile mortality *shudder*

Hot DAMN I hope he has a super well-paying job, because simply having one child on one income is extremely difficult...I cannot possibly imagine five.

We are living in the SIXTH great extinction of all life on this planet.

I would not call this heroic. I would call it foolish, OctoMom-level stuff.

yeah I’m going to be “that bitch” and say that its really dumb to say that this woman is “heroic”. so she popped out a couple of kids? big fucking deal. why is the ability to reproduce some great feat? what about people who cannot produce? are they naturally un-heroic? what about the women who i know who have had

- After the last set of twins did she order the firmest brand of birth control ever or is she open to rolling the dice for babies numbers six and seven?

Scientists have figured what causes them.

And on this day in the year 2016, the word hero died an ignoble death.

You didn’t wonder how she plans to support those children. Or if she had ever heard of birth control.

Anyone who knows Kat knows she has a loooong history of racism and anti-semitism. The fact that she is calling someone out for being racist is insane.

wait, why is she garbage? cuz of jesse james?

white feminist gonna white feminist