
I’ve gotten several Halloween discounts without actually wearing a costume. At the same time I often get compliments from elderly ladies. That’s a venn diagram I didn’t know could exist.

You knew it was coming!

Molester shitass.

Well now I have an image of Babs, stuffed in a Bob Mackie, seared into my brain... so thanks for THAT.

I heard Obama’s voice on the radio yesterday, and i wanted to throw myself at him and beg him to come back.

I can believe he was charming once...

It reminded me of the great poem Calvin Trillin wrote addressing how many Hollywood types champion Roman Polanski:


I wonder if Rashida is like, “DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!”

there’s male pattern baldness, and there’s concentrated evil that results in hair loss

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Do it! I’m graduating at age 54 from UMass University Without Walls. (started at UMass in fall 1981!) http://www.umass.edu/uww

I’m fully convinced he gave her the job because she looks like a meth addict.

“Thatled Mesnard, accompanied by law enforcement, to go to Shooter’s office and remove a handgun along with a second object, described as a display gun”

I was thinking The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911. It took the deaths of 146 employees locked in in cramped work conditions to begin the labor union movement. Over the next 60 years, increased beneficial regulation ensured workpkace safety, middle class compensation, healthcare, etc. Then the pendulum started to

AKA: Work has it was done a century ago by people with no protections, options, or a reasonable employer.

Quite frankly this strikes me less as a sincere attempt at justice and more a borderline sleazy ploy to get viewers for CBS.

Of course he did it. But I’m sure we can get a conviction on him for foisting that crappy show “Hart to Hart” on us. Goddamn drunk! Burn in Hell.

The only thing I know for certain is Robert Wagner comes out looking like a dick in every scenario.