Eh, she got pushed back into work 10 days after emergency spine surgery for a work-related injury. I’d say the earth was already scorched and sown with salt.
Eh, she got pushed back into work 10 days after emergency spine surgery for a work-related injury. I’d say the earth was already scorched and sown with salt.
I can’t choose. Make them all covers and I’ll buy all four.
I have some alternate cover ideas myself:
- Flip the baby vertically to imply it drowned, thus obscuring its penis.
- Add people to the bottom of the pool pointing and laughing at the baby’s penis.
- Give the baby an inner tube with a miniature version of his head on the plug a la Wade the Duck from the old Garfield…
I guess he’s finally come to that day when youth has passed away. Oh well, life goes on without him.
Simultaneously great casting and a terrible idea.
Einstein’s got the moves.
Guts. And black stuff. And about 50 Slim jims.
Alright, first of all
Dude likes what he does (playing music), and likes it even more when he’s getting paid, likes it EVEN MORE when an Einstein mascot is next to him!
“Corporate isn’t cool”
Props to Grohl. He could be phoning it in, but goes just as hard as ever.
This is in poor taste but I regret nothing: if you want to stress-test your relationship, go on a road trip.
Yeah people are dying of other diseases (heart disease and gallbladder stones I believe) because there are no ICU beds
I wish hospitals would start refusing to treat the willfully-unvaccinated.
Can we all just accept this is the millenial “Mr. Hooper died” Thanksgiving episode?
The real prank are the 20,000 untested rape kits sitting in evidence lockers here in Texas.
She seemed so effortless in the way she captured the complete cluelessness of the very rich, when of course we all know that one banana really only costs eight or nine dollars.
She’ll be drinking those winged wusses under the table.
She’s getting blotto with the angels now.