
They cant pass up an opportunity to mansplain.

Right? Matt, baby, listen: no one will think you’re pretty if you don’t shut up. Just stop talking, there. And smile! You’re so much nicer-looking when you smile. /ugh

Every single day she and her ilk are in the WW, people with real careers are diminished, their life’s work, a joke.

She seems so strange and borderline pathological in that video. Yeesh.

Firing Omarosa was the compromise reached after staff spent half an hour making Cheetolini understand he couldn’t fire April Ryan.

Meanwhile, is becoming more and more clear that the reason NBC executives, NOAH OPPENHEIM originally passed on THE HARVEY WEINSTEIN STORY was to protect one of it’s biggest stars and morning cash cow.

Failing upward is common practice at NBC.

It’s Alabama; the heart and soul of low expectations.

We all were. Seems like a lifetime ago.

I remember how elated I was to see a Black man- a Black FAMILY- walkin’ into the White House. I felt so incredible and powerful as a Black American, in a way I’d never felt before.

He’s gonna meet her later...outside the mall. He’s learned his lesson, lemme tellya!

I’m impressed. He didn’t try to fuck that little girl even once in that interview.

Jesus Christ, between him and Jesse Hughes, Axl Rose seems like Tom fucking Hanks these days.

He might not have thought that kick was worth a dollar, but that photographer is going to be a Millionaire.

Homme has been my favorite musician for nearly fifteen years and I’d hoped I’d never see him do something like this. Fucking disgraceful. I hope the charges stick.

getting kicked off the flight after you’ve landed at your destination really doesnt have the same impact as doing it midflight would..

[Highway Patrol Officer]: Do you know why I pulled you over?

I’m pretty sure the women he harassed felt blindsided, too. Deal with being uncomfortable in every situation now, Hoffman. Welcome to Hell!

This is one time we should let Trump be Trump. He can eat his way into a grave. I would be ecstatic if I got a news flash that he had a heart attack on the toilet.