Christ, people, leave that poor family alone. They’ve had more than enough of your psycho batshit for the past 20 years.
Christ, people, leave that poor family alone. They’ve had more than enough of your psycho batshit for the past 20 years.
I don’t watch the show but these articles give me life.
No, a party is drunk kids and adults with knives.
Megyn Kelly Today ended.
I’m not normally a cruel person, but I love the idea of AL Roker dressing up as Santa and giving her a stocking with nothing but a lump of coal and a pink slip.
Can you imagine Tamron coming back as a co-host? I’d quit my job just so I could watch.
“She was a respected journalist and I feel this new show takes her credibility down considerably low.”— Waco anchor. I’d like to blame our shitty textbooks for the quality of this observation, but that would be reductive.
In law school, we call this type a gunner.
FYI, Megan: those guys wearing white sheets at your old job weren’t ghosts.
Donna Karan isn’t sorry, she’s just worried the board that owns Donna Karan will sue her. And I hope they do.
She deeply regrets the consequences of her statements. That much is obvious.
You guys, be nice to DKNY. There is no know cure to affluenza but scientists are working tirelessly.
“it’s very clear that Karan is contrite”
At this point, keeping Megyn Kelly on the air feels like it’s more about Andy Lack digging in and refusing to concede that he made a terrible, expensive mistake.
I think her eagerness to backtrack isn’t because of the backlash from the little people but because super high-profile women like Goop and Angelina Jolie came out.