
You cannot change minds that are immune to change.

Bah. You have a lower center of gravity. You can take ‘em...

My wife will shoulder-bump people who are rudely standing in the way or who have bumped her. Sometimes she will turn and look them right in the eye after doing it.

The famous quote is: “All that is required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Sewers exist. I don’t want to smell them.

The very worst scene in that entire show was Sansa being assaulted.  I hated that scene and fast forwarded.  

I walked out on Rob Roy for the same reason years back.

The literal answer to that question is almost always an unqualified yes.

The GOP does so very little with any decency that you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to try and find anything that can look like somewhat the right thing if you shine a light on it at just the right angle.

Democrats won’t pursue justice because they assume realize the all-white, Republican jurors won’t convict him.

Creating a relationship where you can live together comfortably is the best thing for a realtionship.

Almost like is an actual person with an opinion or something. The fucking nerve of that guy....


Enjoy your 2nd Trump term.

Ahem. No, we the hell won’t....

So the issue is that they are right in that attractive people get more attention without understanding this has nothing to do with why they themselves do not get attention.  It is not because you are not attractive.  It is because of how you act. 

When you are at the level of dipshit to buy into the “incel” crap you have already demonstrated a basic inability to reason.

Sadly, “don’t be such an asshole” seems to be entirely off the menu for these neanderthals.

“Tell your mom it’s just a little bit of torture, Stan.”

jon learned from the best