“or some version thereof”
“or some version thereof”
The real, real lesson here is this: Don’t be a shitty blog writer vomiting out shitty articles.
There is only ONE way to not have acceptable losses with babies; do not have babies.
I had a detachable car seat and used it in the way you describe.
So you COMPLETELY missed the point of the research.
I did not have enough interest to watch the video (would have read a story; sorry, probably not the best thing to say to a video producer on a site).
“He flew off with Danerys! I tried to hold onto her with my knife, but he took that, too!’
That might be it. He looked at Jon and said: “Aw, girl! You know you ain’t sitting on that ugly thing. I thought mom was gonna tell you, but someone bitch-stabbed her. Can’t do a thing about that but I can melt the fuck outta this ratched-ass chair.”
Precisely. Evidence the meeting between him, Cersie and Danerys where he refused to tell even a simple lie even knowing the cost.
I think the shot was brilliant.
Well, there was that whole torture of those who did not agree with him thing.
Have you not paid attention to his character?
Drogon had issue with the chair because he knew it was a symbol that his mom fought for and killed for and knew that that symbol is what led to his mothers death.
“Go back to Africa.”
We prefer the term “saltine American”.
It is not white guilt.
Robin Hobb’s assassin apprentice books would adapt to TV very well.
I will eat the heck out of a bowl of peas.
America: “No.”