
He profited from intentional assholery and now he can enjoy the consequences of intentional assholery. 

I don’t think they are besties but apparently they like to be around each other when at public functions.  There is nothing wrong with that.  It’s nice to see people acting nice.

Trump doesn’t notice anything that doesn’t affect him.

She loves Barak.

Crawl out of your cynicism for just a few seconds and appreciate that it is nice that two people were nice to each other for once. We need more of that.

I covered this in my “Wait until his body is put in the ground before pissing on his grave” post on this site.

Aspercreme, hooker sweat and persistant toenail fungus. 

Because we need ANOTHER black friday?

Because we need ANOTHER black friday?

I am not asking anyone to put any bad person on a pedestal.

I’m stuck on it because I believe in my heart that I am right.


I can’t roll my eyes hard enough.

Good argument; however, I think waiting until he is buried and respecting that a funeral is occuring is not going to be too much of a cost.  Once buried he is still very much in headlines.  THEN --after the actual funeral --haul out whatever dead horses you want to beat in protest. 

Well argued but I counter that there is plenty of time for debate after the actual funeral. Plenty of time for retrospect and critical analysis.

I said so in my original comment. Once he is buried.

I am prefectly happy with my concept of decency.

OK, I get it.  You are a prick without a sense of civil decency.  You are far from alone in that aspect.  

When Bill passes I would keep quiet while his family grieves like a decent person would do. I’m not saying do not point out flaws. I’m saying just hold that in for a few days while mourning occurs for survivors.

Have we stopped talking about Hitler?

It’s a sad thing that you have to decide that this is a race thing when it isn’t. I’d have said the same thing if it were people bitching about any influential black leader before he was even buried. But you go on there making your baseless assumptions there, robo.