
As I explained to another person who just doesn’t get it...

Members of his family who are grieving are not responsible for his actions. Funerals for for the survivors and not the dead.

It has been said, accurately, that a measure of character is doing the right thing whether or not someone else is watching.

Well, this is plainly ridiculous.

Let the man be buried first before you piss on his grave.

I do not know much about this fellow but every single thing I have ever read has been positive.

Ding, got it in one.  No more discussion needed as the question has been fully answered. 

He looks like the inside of a third graders book bag.

I am going to put my bet on “octopus in the muffler”.


For what it is worth I submit that having mental health issues is nearly a prerequisite to being a white supremicist to begin with... 

It is like pulling a thread off of a sweater.   We get rid of Mississippi.  Then Alabama is loose and needs to go.  Florida.  It goes on until you are throwing Montana out a few years later. 

Education is not the solution to police brutality and abuses of power.

Or perhaps best with players that know the game better and/or do not overthink.   I find myself in a lot of games impatient for my turn as others wait until their turn to even begin to decide what to do... 

Or perhaps best with players that know the game better and/or do not overthink.   I find myself in a lot of games

I cannot say enough good things about Scythe.

I cannot say enough good things about Scythe.

It honestly is not a joke. It is really called cracker stuffing, it is really made with saltines, and yes —me being the “cracker” in the marriage I’ve introduced it to my wife and kids. We are amused by the name every year.

The Internet needs a “dripping sarcasm” font. 

Idiot: “God, why did you let me die?”

Well, to be fair, Bible-thumpin’ Christians are the world champion hypocrits so what else would you expect?

I am not buying that making an action scene look cool invalidates the interpretation of the story.  I think the movie did a pretty good job of making heroes look like not-really-heroes.  Your mileage may vary.