Hello, police? My neighbor is apparently stalking someone named Shawty. Last seen wearing apple bottom jeans and fur lined boots.
Hello, police? My neighbor is apparently stalking someone named Shawty. Last seen wearing apple bottom jeans and fur lined boots.
This. So much this.
Well, apparently, he had 99 problems and this bitch WAS one.
My state elected a white man who used a clearly racist remark when talking about his black opponent.
This is not an article from The Onion?
He went to Tahiti to die. He didn’t die yet.
An event which was not really foreshadowed or important to the story until it was sort of tacked on at the last minute and an event which I am certain will be reversed because comics, sure.
That is a pretty thin argument and I don’t buy it at all.
He invalidates a mostly faithful adaptation because fight scenes looked cool. If that does not seem like an overreaching argument to you then we do not have a common ground.
The problem is he developed a really compelling and interesting story and it is half told.
I ain’t watching this show without Coulsen.
It turns out everything since Ned Stark’s decapitation was a dream being dreamed as his head fell to the ground.
“if said villain’s plan was to finally figure out how the fuck to wrap up that Brienne/Lady Stoneheart cliffhanger from 13 goddamn years ago.”
Meh, that was a feedin’ titty not a flashin’ titty. I think you are good.
It was the lynchpin of his argument.
Let me get this straight.
Where to get free food?
Donald Trump should be given his due.
A notorious workaholic.
The election proved that we are still REALLY racist.