
I had Jimmy John’s once.

You glorious bastard. 

Then cut to a shot not of a dead child but of a teddy bear with a bloodstain.

“Eminem has a new album out right now. Let’s make up a story from old news so he can sell more.”

Um, no. It isn’t. You can go to any public space with a mix of black and white people and watch for an hour and see that you are wrong.

What I will do is this though.

I regularly play personal space guard for my wife when she is paying for something or at a clerk putting myself between her and persons who would crowd her.

This reads like a non-issue trying to become an issue. No one really has an idea what she meant here.

It doesn’t matter to him.

It could be but Kirkman’s track record seems good and he clearly loves the show. I am thinking it will be done well or not done.

I knew Skybound was doing it but did not put two and two together to draw the line between that and Kirkman doing work with Amazon.

What I read:

“Who is the greater fool; the fool or the fool who follows?”

As a northener who has married a southern woman and now lives in sorta-south (Florida) I can attest that the south has a much better handle on food than the north.

Amazing how southerners feel the need SO BAD to “win” something.

Nothing on Chronicles of Amber?

Waiting for...

Can’t we just take a room in the White House and mock it up to look like the Oval Office? Let him sit there signing papers every once in a while while some actors on TV just broadcast how great he is all day? Maybe give him some crayons, too?

Leaving for Israel?

I’ll go as far as to say Dykstra was clearly (IMHO) vindictive and that Hardwick did nothing that deserved being fired for.