
Oh, you mean the “Investigations by an actual professional 3rd party that you discount because their findings did not match your bias?” Those guys?

Everything I have ever seen with him seems to indicate that he is a very down to Earth decent and friendly guy.  Self-deprecating, a true nerd, and an overall positive Internet precense.  

Can we take a moment and appreciate how awesome B.D. Wong is in every single genre show he is in?

This is great news because, as much as I love the show, knowing a definate end-date allows them to play with end-game stories that they could not do if the show went on indefinately. This will result in better storytelling.

Step One: Bang your half your age totally-not-your-daughter.

Whatever it takes.

Assholes who like to lord over other people seem to be drawn to both groups.

It has nothing to do with beatification of McCain. It actually has very little to do with him in particular.

You know who is worse than Arpaio?

Oh, bullshit.

I am feeling like a lot of this list doesn’t belong on old-time lists because they are still widely available. Like, you can get tootsie rolls everywhere...

You are 100% right.

But that was fine. It is not like they said “Hey, we sell fried eggs and fried bratwurst too so we’re changing our name to ‘Kentucky Fried’)

Hello, Dunkin Wood. I’m Busta Nut.

Oh, Jesus. Here we go again.

Say what you want but this here is the truth of how we got into this mess:

Good people do the right thing because it is the right thing and not after weighing whether or not someone “deserves” it.

Then you don’t even understand my post.

He admit it was wrong. What more do you fucking WANT?

So he has done something wrong.