
Maybe he should discover bisexuality

No. No to all of that.

Like this?

I have dark black hair. Long dark black hair. But when I was a teenager I was not happy having long dark black hair. However It's hard to lighten black hair when you don't know what you are doing and silly me I thought you could bleach your hair with actual bleach. So I went to the cupboard and got the javex and

I have stick straight hair and wore it long with bangs from age 3-13. In the late 80s/early 90s my mother thought it would be cute to perm just the bangs. I repeat: just the bangs. She did this to me and my younger sister not once but twice and still defends the decision to this day. The pictures are too atrocious to

I'll just leave this here....

Maybe it's one of those things where it's dangerous at certain stages of fetal development but not at the end? Or the amount that would get to the baby during delivery isn't enough to be harmful, but prolonged exposure (like a dentist, around the stuff repeatedly every working day) would be?

How much coke could a Cork lady snort if a Cork lady could snort coke?

Holy shit did Bette just mommyjack Dr. King?

it's funny because I can picture the exact look he must have had on his face. My golden retriever used to make the same expression Everytime he farted. It was a unique combination of guilt and suprise.

Oh my god I want to use this analogy for basically everything forever.

Anyone who was married to a member of Nickelback must relinquish all claims to rocking.

Zach Braff really needs to shut up. Not now. He needs to shut up 3 years ago.

As long as Avril Lavigne is alive, Hot Topic will never go out of business.

Right. At a certain point you have to go for the nuclear option. Otherwise, this guy would have just kept slithering around, demanding her attention.

Guys always respond by telling me I'm fat (thanks! I know! And you know because I'm not only verbally open about it on my profile, but I even put a photo of myself in a freaking bathing suit). A while ago, on Tumblr, I found the absolute best response. The post was titled: age old fat girl proverb.

Turning down guys who can't take no for an answer on online dating is seriously the hardest thing (and usually ends with them getting reported and blocked). You don't even have to be subtle—- you can say, "Sorry, I'm just not interested in you" or "NO" and still get bombarded with messages for months and months. Then

No...NO, Jez. I refuse to put any blame on this woman. Sure, she could have been honest, but how well does that work for women? Like honestly? No matter how *nice* she was, all it would have taken is for this dude to go on reddit/4chan/whatthefuckever and post her personal info with a sob story about 'uppity bitches,'

"Sorry they're only admitting family"

i don't know a lot about her, but she sounds like a fucking queen.