
Oh shit that sucks! But you are very literate and have your wits. Get writing girl. boy. don't want to make assumptions. You are on this blog and you have a voice. Make it heard. You may have been hurt and no money to cover it but you are smart and you can make a difference with your words. I'm guessing you get

You are awesome. Don't forget that. They may have influence on our lives but they don't choose for us everyday, and how we thrive. Your mother is happy in her life and she can put everything in tiny little boxes. That is how she survives her life. You are so much self aware. You Rock!

Yeesh. I feel bad that that situation made you feel sad but consider yourself free of such selfish behavior. I wish my father would forget birthdays, christmas etc. . Its been 17 years since serious contact and about 5 years since he tried to 'reach out'. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to be free of such an

I doubt it. Most of them are real dicks.

Well I had a family member who used to say..." ugly as a can of smashed assholes"

It looks like one of those photos that you see on the manicurist walls.


Unbelievable. Well not really.

"Perhaps they did not know Angkor is a holy site.


Ok so I'm getting married in October. On my farm because my fiancé is insisting on this location. Problem. I don't have the greatest legs and really like to wear heals to lengthen them when dressed up. My dude insists on having the wedding outside where the ground is going to be squishy but how the fuck do you wear

He borrowed Tiger Woods rolodex? I know, I know, we are not living in the eighties but I can't help but picture him sitting at a desk thumbing through a rolodex trying to find someone with a self esteem so low that they would consider dating him.

Tillis is, of course, a proponent of small government....

Spears, 23,

"...The state doesn't own your children, parents own their children, and it is an issue of freedom." - Rand Paul

Stop, you just stop right there. You realize that you are trying to make sense of an idiots comments, right?

I like sitting in busy cafes writing poetry

Thanks. Ok that makes sense.

I'm confused. I recently went to the dentist and I always insist on nitrous oxide when have my teeth worked on. I start having panic attacks. That said when I arrived for my appointment I was informed that my dentist was pregnant and there fore I was unable to have the gas. Cancelled my appointment obviously.

I mean, come on. Why is Dwayne Johnson not my boyfriend? Seriously need someone to explain this to me.