
Oh how I wish I read this last night. I just recently went through the exact same situation. Used alcohol nightly just to get to sleep. 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine an evening. Rarely ever drank during the day (holidays excepted) High functioning. Never hungover. I literally could have wrote your post.

That poor bulldog has just been compared to John Travolta. Jia how could you?

Actually it would solve the masseurs problems.

Can John lick his own balls hmmmm can he?

You should do the breaking off. This guy is making you feel like crap. You don't deserve that. He has you living on pins and needles when you all ready have enough stress in your life. His cold behavior is most likely a way of him having control of your emotions.

** Allegedly I can't spell

the man was horrified to find that the jar, which had been stored too close to a heat radiator, had evidently caramelized the glucose in his semen

Why does this remind me of the flavor infuser that I used for the first time yesterday on our turkey? It was mesmerizing. Turkey breasts grew in front of my eyes.

As a bourbon drinker who lives in Kentucky I would never suggest Makers Mark. * this is my personal opinion as I find it way to sweet to be considered a good sipping bourbon but more for mixing. I would start with Woodford ,Four Roses, Knob Creek or if you are really lucky and can find some Pappy Van Winkle. (truly

Just came here to say the same thing.

Rabid homosexual activists

You are really brave hiding behind your internet.

How deep can he bury his head in a bowl of chocolate pudding until this whole unsightly mess of his goes away, and people stop asking about it? Hopefully long enough that he suffocates on his own delusions.

Try it and as long as you can keep things separated, you will do fine. My SO is a wonderful great guy but has a serious blind spot when it comes to his kid. Its nature I guess?

Oh this happened constantly and still does even though he's past the age of being treated like a child. It is amazing how parents will deflect or use the divorce as an excuse as to why a child gets to act out against you. I tried everything from trying to be a friend to his child to talking to my SO about the

Oh damn. You are going to have it tough. I'm dating a guy who has a now adult son but when we started dating his child was in his early teens. He would 'vent' but when I gave advice I heard more than once that how could I possibly understand, since I didn't have children of my own. It still didn't invalidate my

Anyone out there who does TM? I'm taking my first learning session on Monday and excited but also could use some encouragement. This shit isn't cheap but have heard so many good things about it. Thoughts?

I've tried to do the Paleo diet for a while now. Off and on. Sweet potatoes instead of white. Really hard but totally worth it. Go to any of the more popular Paleo recipe websites and they have a gazillion different recipes to try. Sweet Potato potato salad is the bomb.