Jeff Duncan

Because a large percentage of people are just plain stupid.

lol...80K a year! Wow, so specific. As we all know, when a dumbass on the internet makes a specific claim of salary we should subtract 50% from the claimed figure. At 40K, probably less, you will probably not be ok during the trump presidency. Plus...it’s pretty easy to get fired when you’re a racist asshole. Good

Go back to Stormfront, you dumb motherfucker.

This. If he’s as good as he thinks he is as video production, he should have no problem affording an insurance plan through the exchanges. A good editor/broadcast designer can easily charge a day rate of 1 to 2K...often more than that.

He’s just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire...you know, the standard underachieving republican. It’s everyone else’s fault that they aren’t incredibly successful. They know it in their heart, so it must be true.

The wit on this guy...am I right?

The early, public support of Hillary by the super delegates gave many the impression that she had the race all wrapped up, and that Bernie had no chance, and the media often reported it as such. This gave Hillary an unfair advantage right out of the gate.

Maybe the super delegates could have kept their fucking mouths shut about their choice of clinton so that the MSM wouldn’t have spent the entire primary reporting that Hillary was sooooooo close to winning...because look at her delegate lead! People are stupid and like to vote for the winner. Fuck the DNC and their

She’s also easily one of the dumbest people in congress.


It really is a huge fucking catch 22.

Wow...you’re just a walking right wing talking point aren’t you?

This a thousand times.

Now if we could only know the amount of debt to subtract from that number...ohhhh, we can’t because he is hiding that number by not releasing his tax returns.

It’s hard to reason with racists because most don’t realize they’re racists. They just think their racist impulses are “common sense.”

This make sense to me. I usually don’t eat all day, just drink coffee in the morning, and then eat one large meal for dinner. But if I do eat lunch for some reason I go back to my desk and immediately fall asleep in my chair.

Then he should have build the arena using his multi-billions, instead of soaking the taxpayers. Fuck subsidizing billionaires.

Especially if you have kids...tan is a no go.

But who really cares what people who are dumb enough to piss away thousands of dollars on a common rock think.

This...a thousand times this!