Jeff Duncan

Diamonds are the biggest scam purchase in the world. If the woman you want to marry is the type that must have a diamond ring...you really shouldn’t marry her. Marry someone smart instead.

Cat Stevens is a feminist...he knows that doing laundry isn’t “women’s work.”

I just set up a youtube channel for my son...he’s 8 and his first video consists of a logo animation for his channel name (Dark Phoenix) and a very shaky 7 min video of him and his friends swimming. I’ve never seen him so excited.

Cause they’re nerds/geeks so they can’t get a date. Get it? Soooooo funny. HarHarHar...

RV campers are the worst. They show up early, (as they are typically retirees) take the best most picturesque spots...and then proceed to never leave their fucking land yacht except to pile trash outside.

It seems rare lately...but sanity pulls out a big win!

My son watches DanTDM, who as far as I can tell has gone pretty mainstream. He’s got shirts at Target and an action figure line. Also I’ve seen some kind of DanTDM online game for kids advertised on cartoon network.

Yea, that motherfucker just up and disappeared.

It's man-spreading! Get it right next time Hitler!

He was off by a bit. Still, Murphy was a registered republican who donated the maximum to Romneys campaign, who then switched parties 4 months before running against Allen West in 2012. He’s a corporatist moderate republican, running as a democrat, with the full backing of the DNC.

The fact that Sanders kills Clinton when it comes to the independent vote somehow leads you to believe he would hurt down ballot races? What planet did you say you were from? You really seem to have the circumstance reversed.

This needs more stars. A lot more.

Another fine example of the “superior” white race.

Seriously...I almost never play my Vita because it’s too small and kills my hands. This thing looks like a nightmare for anyone will normal sized adult hands.

Honestly, anyone voting for Hillary who isn't in the top 5% income bracket is voting against their own interests...regardless of race.

She looks spectacular for 54. People are crazy.

I really don’t understand love his games get from adults. The games are all garbage, as is the FNAF novel that he recently released. My son loves FNAF and insisted I read it to him...it is unbelievably bad.

“When will President Obama man up and bomb Hawaii?”

Ditto with the Kings in Sacramento.

No...this in not a thing.