Perfect example of the conservative thought process...”If this bothers me, it must bother everyone else.”
Perfect example of the conservative thought process...”If this bothers me, it must bother everyone else.”
Because overwhelmingly, when couples with children split, the children end up living with the father.
The starting of the sentence with “literally” leads me to believe that it was written by the 14 year old daughter of one of his buddies...who swore that his little girl, “knows how to speak to the youths.”
My son has about 100 Skylanders and I can back that up...the plastic is terrible. It's too soft and doesn't hold up well. Amiibos kill them in the quality department.
Hey now, my five year old is way smarter than that jackass. I’d say he’s a slow three at most.
No. Corruption is corruption. (And fyi, keeping the Kings is not an accomplishment, its a boondoggle.)
Can we now stop pretending that some cultures aren’t complete shit. It’s getting really tiresome.
To his credit...he works really hard creating the social climate that demonizes women for having abortions, thus fostering guilt in those who make the difficult decision to do so.
I have social anxiety disorder & I cannot fathom being able to be an I am going to say his case isnt very bad. Now excuse me, but I have to get back to playing the worlds smallest violin in Jesse’s honor.
her daughter was contacted after a Fall of the Wall commenter started combing through her own public Facebook photos.
I really hope they increase the FOV, I really loved DS2 but the narrow FOV made me so nauseous I couldn’t finish it.
I feel you. I’m looking to buy another ps4 and an extra tv just so I can play games with my son. Just another thing that shows that the new consoles were gimped from the get go.
You forgot the /sarcasm.
There are no creative tricks on rollerblades.
1. The public was not allowed a vote on the stadium deal because the mayors office knew that there was major opposition to the deal. 2. Yes, stadium deals have a negative effect on a city’s economy. Money is spent subsidizing the bottom lines millionaires and billionaires that would be better spent on projects that…
Wow, you really are a clueless parrot when it comes to the arena deal. Polly want a cracker?
We welcome the arena refuges here in East Sac with open arms.
You're not fooling anyone Kevin.
The bigger problem is that the controls are shit. Real shit. Their shittiness cannot be overstated.