Haven’t watched one of these in a while...the other dude lost a lot of weight!
Haven’t watched one of these in a while...the other dude lost a lot of weight!
Or here for $12.75.
Its crazy that more people don’t change their own oil, brakes, etc. Your paying someone to do something that you can do in 15 min once you’ve done it a few times.
Because people are lazy and forgetful. The amount they spend to hand sort the paper forms will be more than made up for by the people who neglect to send the form in precisely because it’s on paper.
What is it with Japanese gaming companies and the internet. Sony can't seem to understand even the basics of internet security...and Nintendo is stuck in 2004 with their internet services.
Someone should tell here that losing weight is free.
Quickest way I found was to enter the room, wait a sec and then sneak by the girl and head to the cover on the left side of the room. Light a torch and throw it toward the door you entered through. Wait until most of the people have congregated around the flare, then grab the hack tool and head up the stairs on the…
It's illegal, but to call defrauding WalMart morally wrong is quite a stretch.
I have the same problem, but I believe the actual problem is that my Vita's wifi is super shitty. It has problems connecting to wifi almost everywhere.
I'm in the exact same boat, PSN name is faustfire, hit me up.
I'm willing to bet he sees nothing strange with watching a bunch of jackasses chase a ball around a field. At least most of the people watching twitch actually play the games they're watching.
Good for you…gotta make sure that everyone plays the game the way you think they should.
You gotta look at it from Bungies perspective. They know that they have created a game that lacks in content, but would like you to keep playing so that the world doesn't become completely vacant of players once the initial rush of players run out of anything at all to do. So logically, they need to nerf the loot…
Reminds me of Monday Night Combat.
I can honestly say that if this happened to my son, I would do the exact same thing.
Diablo 3!
Why is there so much chromatic aberration? Is that to compensate for actual CA created by the lenses?
I downloaded Rouge Legacy on tues at around 7pm and I was somehow able to get the "play for at least 20 hours" trophy before hitting the sack on Wed night. I gotta stop bringing my vita to work.
"Irregardless" (lol) of your opinion, the matter of framerate is a subjective one. Yes 60 fps will give you more responsive gameplay, but also changes the look and feel of the game for the worse for some people. I happen to dislike frame rates over 30, not because of what some corporate PR person has said in some…
Troll...or just entertainingly stupid, I honestly can't tell. Either way, kudos to you.