Jeff Duncan

The whole fucking comment was a giant sarcasm tag.

You can literally. LITERALLY. Smell the dumb on ol’ Kyle.

Honestly, anyone voting for Hillary who isn't in the top 5% income bracket is voting against their own interests...regardless of race.

It really is spot on.

Ugg. You and everyone who stars your comment are the epitome of the phrase “willfully ignorant.”

This is some hot dorm room epiphany right here.

The acting really is unbelievably bad.

She looks spectacular for 54. People are crazy.

Buying a senator is the best/cheapest investment you can make. It always amazes me how small of a bribe it takes to own these guys on an issue. Donate 5o grand, save 2 billion in taxes. Profit.

Hurray! I just got down to 175 lbs! I’m hyped! It’s gonna be so awesome!

I really don’t understand love his games get from adults. The games are all garbage, as is the FNAF novel that he recently released. My son loves FNAF and insisted I read it to him...it is unbelievably bad.

“When will President Obama man up and bomb Hawaii?”

Ditto with the Kings in Sacramento.

Who cares if it has GMO’s in it or not...the bigger issue is the lack of MSG. How do they expect to produce a tasty foodstuff without the wonderful savory taste of MSG, the greatest food seasoning to ever be discovered.

Some names are just terrible...take Jeffrey as an example. Worst. Name. Ever.

No...this in not a thing.

I’m loving the titles from “The Man in the High Castle.”

Except the Bay Bridge replacement was an example in how not to replace a bridge.

Perfect example of the conservative thought process...”If this bothers me, it must bother everyone else.”

Because overwhelmingly, when couples with children split, the children end up living with the father.