
I agree! I don't discriminate, I don't even buy chemical softeners anymore, everything that goes into my wash gets a cup of vinegar. I like live by this stuff now. It's the best thing ever! I agree with you on the towels though, they do absorb water much better in a vinegar wash compared to a chemical softener

Not just great for cheap sheets, it's great for all of your clothes that you would use a chemical softener for! :)

I've done it for ages and my clothes are actually better with vinegar than they were with chemical detergent. But like lastlifelost said a cup of vinegar into a huge gallon of water is not acidic enough to damage the fibers, but it is enough to get rid of bad smells naturally without artificial perfumes and to soften

Another tip: use a cup of distilled white vinegar in your wash load to naturally soften clothes. You can put the vinegar straight in when you put your detergent in too. You won't get the filmy after feel that you would from a chemical fabric softener. This is also an antibacterial/antifungal so it's more beneficial

Ugh, I just finished eating my banana as I was reading this article. This is usually my morning go to snack before lunch and by lunch time (I like to eat a later lunch like..1:30ish) I am STARVING! I'll like scarf down food if I get the chance and then I feel really bad about pigging out afterwards. I guess I'll

I 100% agree! I am freaking waiting for him to come out with an album again and he's nowhere near giving us anything musically!! >.<

My first step would be to stop coming to Lifehacker, Gawker, Jezebel, Gizmodo, and io9. =/ I don't know if I'm ready to be focused.

Wait, so does that mean T-Dog will die next season since Michonne will be filling the affirmative action requirement? Poor T-Dog. lol.

But even if they went through with hanging Randall, wouldn't the process of hanging have snapped his neck/brain stem so that he wouldn't have been able to be turned into a walker?

What was your reason for not watching if Michonne showed up?

Ugh, don't feel too bad. When I saw that picture I thought, "Why can't I be that." Lame, I know.

lol. This is an awesome story. I want to start bartering cans of mysterious goodness for random things too!

Ugh, what a horror story! LOL. :P

;) Thanks for sharing! I want to make this too and I didn't even think about how easy it would be to have dip for apples and other things. Yuuum. I forget to eat fruits a lot of the times, maybe this will help me remember. Do you think the results of this would be just as good if I used the non-fat sweetened

Lol. This is the second time you've done this to me! Always teasing us with food. You should only be allowed to make food posts after 12pm EST. :)

Do you remember Chesterfield Town Center in Richmond? The Spinnakers was in this mall. Am I bringing back any memories? :)

Haha, that is awesome! Hearted!

Ugh my stomach was already growling before I started reading this article. Now I'm picturing a hot grilled cheese sandwich that I can't have and lunch is a few hours away. *falls over on my desk, hoping I can stop thinking about food!*

So you know how in movies that are about the finding hidden treasures or solving age old mysteries they always have someone going into some super old tomb or archelogical site and they sit down and open up massive stacks of papyrus paper or some other ancient paper bindings and find answers to life's mysteries? Well,

Here is Virginia. I used to live in Virginia Beach and they had one there and when I moved up to Richmond (where "here" is) it used to be here too until they closed down. :( Is this somewhere you have lived?