
I love kid logic and kid reasoning! He's a problem solver.

Aww thanks! Your username and mine are like buddies. ;-)

That's how I became addicted to the Fresh Sugar lip balms too! Those sample birthday gifts were one of the best.

I've only had two sexual partners and 4 kissing partners and I'm 29 next month. Meh. I have 11 kissing frogs to go..

Ah! I wish there was a way to send private messages so I could just send you my email or facebook account or something. Haha, 10:30 sounds like the magic time last night. I had a few friends who fell asleep at that time. Wild night for a lot of people I see! hehe. I was up until midnight but went to bed and fell

Aww, 9 sounds like a fun age! How is dog sitting going? I'm alone at home right now on New Year's Eve and I'm a-okay with that! I'm not even sad. I am enjoying my night watching Big Bang Theory and am loving my time with my doggies. :) You're not technically alone for New Years, you're with your son and you just got a

Haha. Your son sounds like me! I am super competitive and I can picture you two playing and you not doing as well and him yelling at the TV (and you with love of course) to quit losing it for the team! ahhaah. So fun. How old is he? I'm glad Christmas is over as well, there's so much pressure! And I overspent and have

Aww thanks! If you need doggie tips, message me! :D Did you have a good Christmas? Get anything good?

No idea. I'm pretty newish to Kinja too. I think we're supposed to just message each other back here? Haha. I have no idea. Did you have a good Christmas considering what you've been going through these past few weeks?

Aww, you're so sweet!! I just want to give you a big hug! :) does kinja allow for private messages and stuff? I have no idea. I am two hours away from my home visiting family right now. Lots of good food, happy little pups, and lots of family. Crazy thing is I feel insanely alone. Oh but on the bright side here is a

Ack, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. They say holidays are supposed to be so happy but for people who don't have life all figured out or even close to figured out or settled, it just reminds us of how isolated we feel or whatnot. It such a sucky season. I enjoy the time with family and everything

Instead of switch sensitivities, let's give up half so we'll meet in the middle! I need a little bit of the mindset of learning to do things on my own and being happy being me and not all caught up in the whole I want to be in a relationship thing. Whereas right now that's all I kind of want, is just someone to be

I'm so glad you have a different outlook on being single! Hoping to get there soon enough.

Hah! This is very true! I am not against the non-committed sex thing but I have never actually tried it out. Maybe that's worth looking into, at least to fulfill some other needs. ;)

There are definitely times that I am grateful for being alone and not having to worry about someone else in my life besides my dogs but there are other times where I just would love to have someone I could connect with on that relationship level again and to feel special to. I am trying to live up my single life but

Aww, *hugs* to you and your pups too! They're the best aren't they? Whenever I want to give up, I look at the both of them and couldn't think of giving up because no one else could love them the way I do! :) So that keeps me going. Were you awkwardly left out when the couples and so forth were all chatting and stuff?

Ugh. Reading this makes me want to cry right now because I am in the same boat. I have been single for a little over two years now and it freaking sucks. I was invited to a housewarming/Christmas party yesterday and I was the only single person there. Everyone was married or in a relationship. I felt so left out and

I'm big on bullets too! My old one just died on me and I had to find a new one. I just got this but it's freaking amazing! I love the velvety feel of it. Found it on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000JV…

Search is still here, just touch in the middle of the screen and pull down (not from the top) the search will pop down from the top.

Aww thanks so much for this insight! Yeah, I was pretty nervous about getting into it with my date. We laughed it off afterwards but it was our first fight really. I just have never been with someone who wasn't the same politically as me so it's been new grounds trying to work through this. I just couldn't handle it