
HOLY SHIT!!!! I want to keeeeeeeeeeeeeeep heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! She is so precious! Do you think I can lure her to me with cookies? Probably...

I feel a little guilty that this made me laugh so much. Her mom thinks she's made some progress aaaand.... Back to square one. Adorable. Terrifying, but adorable.

I doubt she has many other hobbies besides brushing her hair. Her head is literally up her own ass. Literally-metaphorically.

Nothing can cause violent tears and tear out my heart faster than these animal neglect and abuse stories. So, so sad...

Actually, the article says the couch was in the house for 2 months!! Not just over the weekend...the paragraph you quoted seems to suggest it was just a weekend, but, no...it was in the house for months!!! I would probably develop a serious anxiety disorder if this happened to me. Snakes, ugh...as a kid, I couldn't

I would piss myself and die if this happened to me.

awww man :( i wish we could switch sensitivities. i've been single for a few years now and i recently decided to try my hand at dating/relationships again...not necessarily because i really WANT to, but i'm 32 and i feel like maybe it's what i'm supposed to be doing...? in the past few months i've met two lovely men,

Make the most of it! There are great benefits to being single and I honestly believe everyone should have a period of being single where the become comfortable being on their own and emotionally self reliant. When you start focusing on the negatives of being single, I think people can risk jumping into a relationship

I had the same exact experience yesterday! Dinner party/gift swap with six couples ... and me. It sucks. Also came home to my dogs, whom I held while crying.


We'll file this under "problems I'll never have" because I spend every family-oriented holiday alone. By myself. Sometimes crying.

magnets arent holding your weight. rather keeping things in place. ultimately the pressure you put on the chair goes from the metal plate to the wooden legs. think of it like legos! vertical pressure wont break it but horizontal pressure would.. anyways i hope i make sense. cause i normally dont.

something that can turn into any thing at any time is easy, buy her some play dough.

"But Drew, I will help you keep all the children in one place! And rewire the house if necessary!"

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

I think the chicken head drawing is a human hand and wrist, showing you what a "rist bange" is; apparently, its a long fingerless glove, presumably like Madonna would wear.

I'm making an offer I've made here before.