
Omg, that would have been so scary! I hope you were okay.

HAHAHAHA. Omg. Thank you for making my Friday morning at work AWESOME. :) I have been going through that tumblr laughing my ass off all morning. I don't mean to gloat but seriously such drama queens over ROMNEY of all people.

Good luck friend!! I'm so glad my parents are LIBERAL! I don't know what I would do if I had to deal with such different viewpoints. Although my current date is a freaking Libertarian and that sucks in itself and we got into a fight election morning but we've since decided we weren't going to talk about politics

Good luck to your grandma's doggie. I hate seeing overweight dogs, I mean they're cute but I just feel bad for them because they can't really control it and I know eventually they'll have health problems as they age. :(

*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

Haha, this is AWESOME! I would totally hire you because I have a fear that with all of my bad luck, I would be stuck with a haunted house that I would ABANDON! Omg. Give me your business card, I'll pay for those services!

I got goosebumps reading that! I feel so cold now. I'm glad I'm reading all of these stories at the office where I'm NOT ALONE! LOL. But unfortunately I go home to an empty house except for me and my dog. Ugh. =/

Ugh, I live alone and now I'm scared that when I go to bed and wake up (which I do every night at around 2-3am and then again at 5-5:30am) that I'm going to see a Dark Man myself. UGH! I'm terrified now. :( I guess I just won't look at the foot of my bed. =/

Same here.. misleading headline for sure!

I don't understand how you claim the free case. I've tried to checkout on Amazon and it charges me for both.. help please?

If you go to your mobile carrier's site they still say they're shipping out for the 21st! I saw that on the Apple site this morning and went to AT&T to upgrade and it said I had reserved a phone to be sent out on the 21st! I was so happy! :) I believe you can try Best Buy as well, I just saw an email that said you

I just finished my third cycle with the Diva Cup and it's FREAKING AMAZING! I love love love it! I know most people have to get used to it for a few cycles, but I was able to get it within the second day and since then, I'm a true convert. Never ever will I go back to tampons or pads unless necessary (which I don't

Dangit. When I saw the thumbnail for this article at the bottom of the Gawker site as a link to Jezebel, I was really really really hoping he was busted for having an affair! That would have made things even more interesting. These kinds of stories about how he lied about being part of so/so don't seem to make as

Basically, as long as he's not Obama. Smart crowd aren't they?

Yeah, I'm short and have thicker legs than most girls too. I always always hated them, well actually still hate them, but it does make me feel a little more at ease whenever I see celebrities such as Beyonce and JLO flaunting their bodies the way they want to and I can see how confident they are even though they're

Totally not trying to body snark, but it makes me feel better that I kind of see a bit of cellulite on Bey's legs! For someone as toned and fit as she is, it makes me feel better about my own cheesy legs. They're just like us!

Ahh, that sucks. I guess the biggest difference between your situation and Bey/Kim's is that Kim WANTS to be friends with Beyonce. S

I haven't had this problem since I started to hang dry all my clothes for the past year. :) Saving electricity and preventing bad laundry problems!

So I have a dog. If I were able to get him to be certified as a service dog say to help with my panic attacks, would I be able to claim him and the costs associated with raising him as an itemized medical deduction? :) I mean why can't we have pet deductions for having dogs!

I have this tea brewer from Teavana and I freaking LOVE it. I have a cup of green tea every morning and night and just this morning I poured the remaining hot water I had on the stove into it along with some distilled vinegar so that it can get a good clean. I haven't used soap on it and it's been so easy to