
Yeah it's pretty awesome! I haven't ever tired baking bread in a flowerpot before but will have to try it now that you have put it into my head again. This would be a great way to serve up bread at dinner, you just basically leave it in there and it stays warm because of the ceramic pot. At Spinnaker's they just

I switched from Tide to Vaska a few years ago. I would never go back! Vaska ftw! But who knew the things people steal and sell on the black market.. Tide??

We used to have a restaurant here, Spinnaker's, that served flower pot bread. It was the best! Unfortunately they closed up their restaurants in this area just a few years ago. This is basically the same concept as the coffee can bread except I don't see as many "hazards" with baking in a flower pot (new anyways)

The doggie in that picture is okay though right?

When the bananas do get too ripe, you can always make banana bread instead of throwing them out.

After reading this article the first time it was posted, I had checked out all those iPad resell sites and came across a site that wasn't on the list that actually gave me a pretty decent deal. I was able to sell my 32gb iPad 2 on www.flipformore.com for about $290.00 and at the time Gazelle was only offering $270,

Sort of off topic but.. Holy mother of fuck. I NEED Jezebel right now more than I have ever needed this site before! I just wasted my life arguing with someone on the Internet and of course I knew it wasn't going to go anywhere but I did it anyways. ugh. You know you're bored when you engage yourself in

Ugh, this is my bf's method too. Sometimes he'll forget to put a credit card back in his wallet and when he puts on a new pair of pants the next day he's without his credit card and his other credit/debit cards may already be in a different pair of pants all together! I hate this method because it ruins his pants

That makes me wonder too. There should be an experiment done, guess it has to start with someone who is rich. =/

I totally read the article title as "New Orleans woman hopes to pay the crime away." I was thinking I was reading about a rich old lady who thought she could give people money to be better people. That would have been really interesting. Sort of like "hey guys, instead of committing crimes, how about I give you a

Aww what a cutie! I could cuddle her and squeeze her cute little face! Oh and kisses all day long! :D

This is how I peel my eggs too.. under running cold water.

What is that? (hoping my msg isn't too short for a reply)

I know, it's craaaaazy! I would gladly be back at a size 6!

I believe "plus size modeling" starts at around size 6.

Hehe, yeah this is an awesome idea. Aww, thanks, I just wanted you to see my picture of my version but you're more than welcome to check out my blog..I'm just learning to take photos so the photos are kind of bleh. But yeah, the ham, eggs, and cheese combo rocked! I would have loved for some spinach though. That

I just did this a few weeks ago!! :) Not to plug my own blog but.. [photoblogged.tumblr.com] lol. Instead of bacon I just used deli sandwich ham. One slice ripped up could be split up between 3 of the egg "muffins". I should have put the ham at the bottom to form a crust like you said, but I was just doing this

But of course it's none other than ... aliens!!!!!

Ugh, I just got my first "You are in the top 5%" text as well. It's like stop bothering me, I have "unlimited" data! Stop trying to gouge me for more money, it's already bad enough that you're going to throttle my data speeds if I even get near 5gigs! I had my first "you are in the top 5%" as soon as I hit 2gigs.

Storing berries like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries in glass jars also helps to make them last longer. I've read about this vinegar trick before and wish I would have remembered to do this with my last batch of strawberries! I had to throw the entire container away because it was filled with mold! :(