
PSU is happy for the sanctions. The civil suits have a smaller pie to go after now.


Out-loud laugh

Typical. The wheels fall off the Yanks and Deadspin says look at the fan belt.

EXACTLY, Doc Ford. This is not the NCAA's job.

Are you one, are you two, are you three...

Would we even be asking this question if it were in Sanskrit?

The record is 43 Illegal Use of the Hands. Gonna be interesting.


Why not compromise and replace it with this?

Just found this. Brilliant.

Jesus Christ, Kinja, I just want to read a thread! Please die.

Agree. This place has been smoking lately. I still despise Kinja.

Yet so ignored.

The purpose of a business is to make money by doing something.

/rubs one out while thinking about Summer Sanders blowing London Fletcher


No way! Marten Martensen? Marten "Martens" Martensen? They guy with the car? Small world.


Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?