
Auden said it best

Exactly. Just because I have an umbrella in my car doesn’t mean it’s going to rain later.

Totally off topic, but I started using turbinado sugar to make simple syrup. It multiples coffee by a force factor of 683.

Sis Jabroni does a couple of sneaky tricks.

I *sorta* saw the stache CGI, but I was so distracted by the wonderful awfulness of Justice League, I just took it onboard as part of the story. I loved that movie. It was big, stupid, stupid, big, noisy, stupid, big, noisy, and of course stupid. But I really enjoyed it. When it hits the $5 blu-ray pile in about six

I’ve been thinking about a Chromebook around $200. I want to install Linux, do some writing. Touch screen not important, but reliable Bluetooth is important so I can use my mobile as a hot spot. Any recommendations?

There’s a difference between updates and upgrades. I’ve never been charged for a an update to OS X or Windows.

Ripple coffee creamer is BOSS.

I went back to an alarm clock with one alarm, no snooze.

Say what you will, but that is one groovy cover.

This article 50 million words long, which can simply be boiled down to:

This really seems more like a Colin Furze kind of question.

Yeah, I went through the agony of the Palmer Method when I was a kid (our elementary school had illustrations for pen position, elbow position, letter height, letter slant, etc that dated back to the 1920's).

C’mon, sutures are stories.

I’m still crushed that The Hateful BB-8 didn’t win.

As a professional nerd, I’d say this is a gross exaggeration.

Here we all are.

Even a troll can have a valid point:

There’s so much nerdfoam about every inch of this movie. The debate is exhausting and kinda boring.

We understand them as language components.