

OMG. All the stars. I love pepper jelly!

Why is there a photo of Roger Corman at the start of the article? 

My mom taught me that when I was a kid and I learned how to make my own bed.

Calls, texts, e-mails, etc. all silenced. I hate a chirpy phone.

This is what ‘disruption’ looks like.

Wayyyy too late for impeachment. The only way to get Cheeto Jesus out of the White House is a decisive election defeat.


You have no idea what their expenses are. You’re just making things up to finance your argument.

You get all the stars for that observation.

Dammit. I played the wrong card. Again.

The best thing about nerdfoam is that it wipes off.

That’s your take. I have a different one. Thanks.

I liked Thor 2. Much more than Iron Man 2. Or Spider Man 3.

He spent a good deal of time before his solo work in other bands, trying just about anything to get his career started.

I think you may be missing the 1960's part of his career.

Comedy isn’t about solutions.

Can we have a “I’m <this person> and this is how I avoid being a parent” series as well?

Because we’re never going to be adults.  Never, ever.

Sorry I won’t get the chance to finish Clone Wars.