
Worst. Article. Ever.

Yea, instead of our lives being controlled by a "small group of (lizard?) men," they should be controlled by the President! Way better!

Cool backpack, but is it just me or is it kind of ugly?

Is now being used to track gangs? Relationship analysis software like ORCA was originally developed to track money laundering by drug cartels. In fact, when I was in intelligence school (pre-9/11), our training scenarios were all based on drug gang operations. Everything old is new, I guess.

you mean dragon drop?

This just in: some activities can fit more than one definition!

snark? on gawker?

You're scared of a bunch of old Jews? Man, white people really are pussies.

Hey, you're the majority, remember? You're the ones who created the laws. Sounds like you should get your house in order before bitching about others.

It's our heritage!!!!!1111

Oh please, everyone knows blacks kill more whites than vice versa. Your cowardice is legendary.

The principle at work here is: you can abuse whites, but you aren't allowed to disrespect non-whites.

Russia is a weird place. In Moscow, almost everyone will drop some change in a beggar's cup, but they'll also step over a dead body like it's not even there.

Holy shit I just read the rest of his comments. Jesus christ.

And when are they going to do something about the St. Louis Strawmen?

You're not helping.

So in other words, if you don't sign, then he takes you to jail. Great rebuttal.

I know, right? So hypocritical. All protesting must be condemned or praised, regardless of the content.

Great, now we're going to have to enter a CAPTCHA to check in to Southwest flights.