Good for Gal!
Good for Gal!
Ratner or Bay set it up —- I need to try and find the info. It came out like seven or ten years ago. He had a secret website where other men in the business could sign in, too, and he would list what young actresses could be “enticed” into sex ie raped, and leave comments, and the other guys would, too. Someone…
There is something about seeing a person’s face go legitimately blank that’s really, really scary to me. Somebody else posted a GIF of Wendy as she went down, and rather than finding it funny, I see it as genuinely chilling.
The end game to masturbating in front of an unwilling woman is to get the sick pleasure of involving her in something sexual against her will. It’s also a way to test for victims who have the freeze response and don’t run. Most abusers test boundaries in various ways before escalating to outright assault.
I still can’t get over the fact that she looks like she saw a ghost. I half expected her to leap straight up, run in place in the air for a few seconds, then dash off with a cloud of dust in her wake.
I have never worn an ugly holiday sweater, but for some reason, I want one this year. I don’t know if it is because I am getting old or if it is because a shitty year needs a goofy ending.
I smell a kickstarter project.
What kind of racist comment is that about Munn? “She wasn’t Asian back then.”
Wait, Natalie Portman isn’t her name? Not to minimize that you are pointing out, I just honestly didn’t know.
I wish they’d make sweaters for people with shitty family situations who dread the holidays. Like a bottle of Prozac with a cheery wreath around it or the embroidered lyrics “Oooooh Holy (Shit) Night,” or a sad Santa covering his ears with a black cloud over his head. I got a million of them.
If my grandparents were alive, I think it would be a weary chuckle at the sweater and then, “No wonder you’re not married yet, dear.”
- Jesus Tap-dancing Christ.
I *think* he’s implying that back when Olivia Munn was a PA, she wasn’t identifying as Asian.. Which is bullshirt because who the fuck asks or cares about the ethnic makeup of a PA?
His response was grooooosssss. Like OMG shocker she goes by her middle name professionally? Like no one behaves like this knowing that “Portman” isn’t Natalie’s actual last name. Also, p. sure she’s always been Asian?
There’s a FANTASTIC piece up on Medium that talks about this. It’s definitely a power thing, but the author makes the argument that, more than anything, it perpetuates the culture of women not being believed if they make an accusation. That it’s something so grotesque and crazy, who would believe it? Very interesting…
And he just got an award...
Also, why do they all enjoy masterbating in front of people so much? It is a very specific power thing. It’s so weird.
“She wasn’t Asian back then.” ...What even?
These dirtbags all have a look don’t they? Is bad facial hair and hygiene a signifier for sexual harasser? Could be that a man that doesn’t care about his looks isn’t willing to put effort into other areas of social comport, such as basic etiquette. Could be.
Brett Ratner is a piece of shit of the highest order. Jerking off with a shirmp Cocktail in the other hand...incredible. As bad as this stuff is, its not even the worst stuff he has done.